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The new production line is being installed and debugged...

Views: 21     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-15      Origin: Site

The new production line is being installed and debugged...

In the continuous progresses of internationalization, Runxiang pipe CO. has actively been increasing the strength of developing customers, constantly opening up Domestic and overseas markets. In order to meet the increasing demands for orders, a new tube-making production line is being installed and debugged. The main production task of this new production line is to make out more small diameter steel pipes such as ID76mm for the further rolling production . It will greatly relieve current pressure of production and speed up production schedule and reduce the contract delivery time. It will meet customer needs well meantime enhance the competitiveness of our products in the market. 

Our company is one of the famous factories in China specializing in the manufacture of precision steel tube core which is used for the inner core of the aluminium foil.

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