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D-workshop building is already in the use

Views: 27     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-04      Origin: Site

D-workshop building is already in the use

Runxiang Pipe and Runfa Aluminum belong to the same group and  both locate at 79 Hengyuan Road, Dantu industrial Zone, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu, China. 

Now we’ve already bulit a new workshop building D. In order to constantly develop new products to enhance market competitiveness, we’ve put more production lines for producing micro channel aluminium flat tube in D-workshop building. 

This is the new product for us. To meet the needs of customers will be our eternal pursuit. We will be with the service and sincerity in exchange for your trust and support, mutual benefit and create a win-win situation.

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Our company is one of the famous factories in China specializing in the manufacture of precision steel tube core which is used for the inner core of the aluminium foil.

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